From personal experience, while offering to personally go and help Michael Connelly aka Michael Whalen (since I was living in Oregon) I discovered that he was (and is) most likely an informant and a tool of the L.E. / intel community. I think that he was sent to take control of the narrative and do damage control and discredit the issue.
I had (and still have) an online acquaintance living in Oregon at the time who witnessed and filmed what appears to me to be a ritu@l for protection involving bl00d s@crif1ce in front of V.D.
In the video that follows his three short videos, I created a video documenting what looks to me like another ritual for gathering power and protection involving mockery and "revelation of the method" among other things:
I commented:
An empty "Life" box seems pretty ritualistic juxtaposed with a stabbing. Sounds like some real voodoo to me. Great catch!
and someone named Jason Thomas commented:
Grendel is a baby eater, as you surely now know. Nice work, congratulations on being on the right side of history.
Pt. 3
More EXCLUSIVE video! Look what I found in Oregon during the height of D0nutg@te and P1zz@g@te:
Dante's Ad in NEW Pizza Culture Magazine! (2018)
Countless headlines and journal articles document it's common practice for tr@ffickers to invoke v00d00 for protection:
I had (and still have) an online acquaintance living in Oregon at the time who witnessed and filmed what appears to me to be a ritu@l for protection involving bl00d s@crif1ce in front of V.D.
In the video that follows his three short videos, I created a video documenting what looks to me like another ritual for gathering power and protection involving mockery and "revelation of the method" among other things:
I commented:
An empty "Life" box seems pretty ritualistic juxtaposed with a stabbing. Sounds like some real voodoo to me. Great catch!
and someone named Jason Thomas commented:
Grendel is a baby eater, as you surely now know. Nice work, congratulations on being on the right side of history.
Pt. 3
More EXCLUSIVE video! Look what I found in Oregon during the height of D0nutg@te and P1zz@g@te:
Dante's Ad in NEW Pizza Culture Magazine! (2018)
Countless headlines and journal articles document it's common practice for tr@ffickers to invoke v00d00 for protection:

Close-up view of a Santa Muerte south of Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, via Wikimedia Commons
Santa Muerte - Satan Worship Drug Cartel Style
Hundreds of thousands of Mexicans and gang members north or the border have been giving offerings onto a satanic death demon named santa muerte. What they don't know is they are ignorantly worshiping a demonic false deity. These people are gaining gifts from the spirits and loosing their own souls in the process. Satan buys love with cheap gifts and the seduction of supernatural power. Without repentance and faith in Jesus every worshiper of santa muerte is headed for the pit.
See also:
Expert in Cartel Violence, Cults Trains Valley Officers, East Valley Tribune [Arizona], April 28, 2011
British 'Voodoo' Nurse Jailed for Trafficking Women to Germany, July 4, 2018
Mama's Voodoo Magic Can't Save Drug-Trafficking Son From Getting Busted At JFK, Sept. 22, 2011
Drug Kingpin who Paid Voodoo Priestess for Protection Convicted, August 12, 2004 [Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and Kansas]
For Those Who Fight Sex-trafficking, Dark Rituals Compound the Problem, The ECONOMIST, June 22, 2018
Spellbound: Witchcraft and Human Trafficking, January 18, 2013 [Nigeria]
West African Voodoo: A Technique for Control by Human Traffickers, July 5, 2015
Voodoo and Human Trafficking in Nigeria: a Nation’s Albatross, December 2015, Journal of Social Welfare and Human Rights
MIDLAND [England], Gangsters are Turning to Black Magic to Protect Themselves from Harm, According to a Senior Gang Expert, July 12, 2008 / UPDATED OCT. 23, 2012
Drugs, Death and the Occult Meet In Grisly Inquiry at Mexico Border, New York Times, April 13, 1989
Drug Thugs Seek Safety in Occult, Chicago Tribune, April 16, 1989 {Matamoros, Mexico]
Briton Arrested with Roasted Human Foetuses for Use in Black Magic Ritual: A British Man has Been Arrested in Thailand After Being Found with Six Foetuses that had been Roasted and Covered in Gold Leaf as Part of a Black Magic Spirit Ritual, May 18, 2012
Good (short) overview of the subject:
A Match Made In Hell, By Alisa Jordheim, March 29th, 2014