Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Recent Bread and Circus to Distract you from What's Really Going On (I.e. "Five of the ‘Big 6’ Agricultural Corporations, Including Monsanto,Looking to Merge")

illustration by David Dees

How many people have heard that Monsanto and Bayer have merged or that DuPont and Dow have merged?

If anyone has not yet read about the dark history of the world's most evil corporations please see these stories below:

Heroin, N@zis, and Agent Orange: Inside the $66 Billion Merger of the Year: These companies used to sell heroin and Agent Orange. Now, they want to form the world’s largest supplier of seeds and pesticides 

Five of the ‘Big 6’ Agricultural Corporations, including Monsanto, Looking to Merge

This Merger Would Threaten Food Supplies Around the World. Who Will Stop It? 

Bayer-Monsanto Deal Faces Deeper Scrutiny in Europe 

Dow, DuPont Set Aug. 31 for Closing of Historic Chemical Merger 

Monsanto Timeline

 “The Complete History of Monsanto the World’s Most Evil Corporation” (info on Disneyland, the Manhattan Project, and the Knights of Malta) 

Dark History of Monsanto by Seattle Organic Restaurants

Monday, December 4, 2017

Tales from the Pedophocracy: Marilyn's, "Heart Belongs to Daddy"

The term Pedophocracy is borrowed from David McGowan's book, Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder and is available free online in many formats:

screenshot via YouTube

It’s funny how this whole Pizzagate scandal has caused some of us to suddenly see the world around us with a new perspective. Things that we didn’t pay much attention to in the past have suddenly become so glaringly obvious.

I grew up in California in the 70’s and 80’s and was a huge film buff. I also did a short stint as an actress and used to dress up like Marilyn Monroe and collected all of her films and biographies. I also collected all of the songs she ever did. Many people don’t know that she sang a lot of songs in a number of different films.

So I was looking up old songs on YouTube recently. I wasn’t looking for Marilyn and had sort of forgotten that was also a singer but YouTube brought up one of her songs on a suggested video so I played it out of curiosity. Then later, as the days went on, YouTube started suggesting other Marilyn videos including a song from the 1960 film, Let’s Make Love, “My Heart Belongs to Daddy,” and I was like, “Woah, that’s kinda creepy.”

I looked up the lyrics and found a Wikipedia page about the history of the song which was actually written by Cole Porter for a 1938 Broadway musical and had appeared in a couple of films after that.

It was also recorded by a handful of famous singers and is a reference to a “Sugar Daddy” relationship where a wealthy older man lavishes money and gifts on a much younger woman in order to procure sex and / or companionship.

[This is the best article I found on the origin of the term, ]

M people consider it immoral or unethical since it’s really a form of prostitution, but on the other hand we’ve become so desensitized to it over the decades that we don’t even bat an eyelash when we hear about it.

Looking back at my early years, before I learned that the illuminati (via the intelligence community) had artificially constructed so much of what most of us originally believed was grassroots culture and history I didn’t even bother to think about what they were singing about or why, those risque old Hollywood songs just seemed silly or fun. I knew they weren’t necessarily singing about “traditional Christian family values,” but even most of us Christians just took unconsciously took for granted that the elite class led different lifestyles than the average American and didn’t really give it much thought.

Even now I wouldn’t have given any of this much thought, but when I was reading the Wikipedia entry on the  history of the song I read that the lyrics were changed in the Marilyn Monroe version. The word, “Lolita” was added and that was really disturbing because the word, “Lolita,” doesn’t just mean an underage girl, in its original usage in Nabakov’s novel, Lolita, it refers a 12 year-old girl who has a sexual relationship with a middle aged man.

According to Wikipedia:

The introduction [to Porter’s song] is completely changed. [Marilyn] introduces herself as "Lolita", who is not allowed to "play with boys". A verse is added in which she invites a boy "to cook up a fine enchilada". The lines do not conform to the rhyme scheme of the rest of the song, but have been used by many other performers since. Anna Nicole Smith recorded a virtual copy of the Monroe version in 1997.

Marilyn sang this just five years after the novel was published. Stanley Kubrick produced a film version of the book just two years after Marilyn sang the new version.

I had to wonder if the more recent version was an intentional double-entendre, a song that could be taken the way it always was: as a conventional sugar daddy / sugar baby relationship, or the lyrics can be taken literally: Lolita is 12 years-old and she is not allowed to play with boys her own age because for some reason or another she is under the sexual control of one or more adults.

It also begs the question: Why is 34 year-old Marilyn singing about some Lolita anyway?

As soon as I started pondering the question my mind went to the fact that Marilyn Monroe is widely to be considered one of the earliest examples of a celebrity under the influence of MK Ultra mind control, and one of the earliest examples of a celebrity who may have been ritually murdered by the Illuminati.

She was also the first person to be featured on the cover of Playboy and it has now recently been discovered that Playboy was funded by the CIA as an act of social engineering. There is also evidence that Hugh Hefner may have been some sort of CIA handler.

But even more interesting is this documentary film about how Hefner took over and carried on the work of Aleister Crowley and Alfred Kinsey in his career with Playboy and how even though we usually associate Playboy with young women over 18, historically there has been other material in Playboy that promotes pedophilia. 


This film also documents this fact. Anyone who has not yet seen this film, should definitely view this as soon as possible:

The Kinsey Syndrome How and Why Pizza became Pedophilia
(This article about how Hugh Hefner exploited Marilyn Monroe is also of interest)

After I began to look into this another disturbing video spontaneously surfaced on YouTube. This time it was Marilyn singing in a 1948 film called, Ladies of the Chorus, “Everybody Needs a Da Da Daddy,” again seeming to sing about conventional sugar daddies and their "sugar babies" but the baby dolls featured in this clip are really creepy. It brings to mind the "doll programming" Fritz Springmeier mentions in his book, Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind-Controlled Slave. 

screenshot via YouTube

This is just something strange that I noticed. I thought I would put it out there as food for thought regarding how long the-powers-that-shouldn’t-be have been manipulating our society by promoting non-marital relationships based on anything but love and which bear no lasting fruit of any value (regardless of whether the participants are over or underage).

Here is wisdom from Jesus:

"A tree is identified by its fruit. If a tree is good, its fruit will be good. If a tree is bad, its fruit will be bad." – Matthew 12:33

"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." - John 15:4-5

and the Apostle, Paul:

"When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!" – Galatians 5: 19-21

Friday, December 1, 2017

EXCLUSIVE! Why was River Phoenix' Final Interview Scrubbed from the Internet???

Fair Use via Wikipedia Commons

I was born just two months before River Phoenix in 1970. So as River Phoenix grew up in front of the camera acting in films, I grew up watching his films.By High School I had a pretty big crush on River like a lot of other American girls.

So I would say from about age 14 in 1984 until age 23 in 1993 - a span of just 9 years - I followed his career very closely and watched most of his interviews on television when I was able to.

Then after seeing Phoenix' second-to-the-last completed film, Sneakers, I became even more interested in watching his interviews about the film because the film took place in Oakland, CA - the area where I grew up - and it was about a group of computer hackers and I just happened to come from a family of computer nerds living adjacent to the Silicon Valley, so I was a huge fan at the time.

Well there is something that has always haunted me and that is one of Phoenix' final interviews which, if I remember correctly, took place sometime during the last couple of years of his life - it probably would have been 1992 or 1993, and it was definitely with David Letterman (who I was also a huge fan of at the time).

Now during that time David Letterman was winding up his first well-known show, NBC's Late Night with David Letterman, which broadcast from 1982 until 1993. Then just two months before Phoenix' death Dave began a new (but nearly identical) show, CBS's Late Show with David Letterman, from August 30, 1993 until May 20, 2015.

Whichever of the two shows it was on, River Phoenix said something shocking to David Letterman. For those who aren't old enough to remember, Phoenix was an early example of an actor-turned-activist. He wrote an article for 17 Magazine on Earth Day in 1990. He was also covered by Vegetarian Times and The Animals' Voice Magazine.

Well during this interview, Phoenix started going on a rant about evil multi-national corporations, particularly, General Electric. Funny enough this memory is still firmly implanted in my mind since this was the first time I remember hearing the bad news about G.E. in my early twenties.

I still have a vivid memory of David Letterman telling River that it's funny he should mention that since General Electric actually owns N.B.C. the station that Phoenix was being interviewed on, and so while I am writing this I just realized that that dates the show sometime prior to Dave's N.B.C. show, which ended in August of 1993, just two months before Phoenix' death on Halloween night in 1993.

Now, I could be wrong, but I always remembered this as being an interview about the film Sneakers which would have put this during the last two years of Phoenix' life but regardless of which film he was being interviewed for, the fact is that I cannot find any trace of River Phoenix ever having appeared on Late Night with David Letterman.

What is also interesting is that I cannot find any real interviews of River Phoenix anywhere on the Internet past 1991. One small exception is a clip from a film promo for Sneakers labeled on YouTube as an interview but it was really just a brief film promo produced by the filmmakers. River Phoenix released two major Hollywood films during the last two years of his life, Sneakers, released September 2, 1992 and The Thing Called Love, released July 16, 1993.

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You would think that it would be easier to find archival footage of Phoenix' interviews during '92 or '93 since those were the early days of the internet and yet when you do a search for his interviews it brings of tons of interviews from the pre-internet days such as 1988 and 1991.

(click to enlarge)

The only results for 1993 are reports about his death even though he died at the end of the year on Halloween. What about interviews for 1993's The Thing Called Love with Samantha Mathis? Even her old interviews easily pop up without digging - and I didn't even put her name on the search below, just River's.

(click to enlarge)

I've also combed through lists of episodes on various sites that log every actor and guest on every episode of a television show and cannot locate any record of my memory.

(click to enlarge)

This memory has remained vivid throughout my life. I am 47 now but River Phoenix outspokenness and activism had a big impact on me during my formative years so I remember his infamous comments on David Letterman very well.

After 2016's "Pizzagate" story broke and transformed into the bigger-picture investigation known as "Pedogate," people started thinking of River Phoenix again since he was notoriously raised by the Children of God cult in Oregon, a cult known for sexually abusing children. People were wondering if he was killed by the cult. 

I have personally wondered for years if he was added to the "expendable" list for sacrifice due to his "mistake" of biting the hand the fed him, i.e. knowingly, or unkowingly, insulting General Electric while he was appearing on their network.

Recent research this year (2017) has linked Phoenix death to Johnny Depp's rise to fame. Perhaps the Powers-that-shoudn't-be gave Johnny the go-ahead after Phoenix' remarks.


Chris Cornell 6 Degrees of Separation from River Phoenix

Must Watch! Johnny Depp Exposed as Pedophile Satanist

If anyone else remembers this interview, or thinks they might have some old VHS tapes that might have evidence of this interview, please post anything you can find or remember to the comments below, or link to any uploads you may have.
