Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Why Hugh Nibley was a Political Target: his lifelong exposure of the conspiracy against humanity

Hugh Nibley photographs of himself, MSS 2721 Series 5 Sub-Series 1,
 L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University

“The story begins... with Satan seeking to promote himself even in the premortal existence, and being cast out of heaven in his pride, and dedicating himself upon his fall to the destruction of this earth, "for he knew not the mind of God" (Moses 4:6).... [H]e boasts just how he plans to put the world under his bloody and horrible misrule: He will control the world economy by claiming possession of the earth's resources; and by manipulation of its currency—gold and silver—he will buy up the political, military, and ecclesiastical complex and run everything his way. We see him putting his plan into operation when he lays legal claim to the whole earth as his estate, accusing others of trespass, but putting everything up for sale to anyone who has the money. 

“And how will they get the money? By going to work for him. He not only offers employment but a course of instruction in how the whole thing works, teaching the ultimate secret: "That great secret" (Moses 5:49-50) of converting life into property. Cain got the degree of Master Mahan, tried the system out on his brother, and gloried in its brilliant success, declaring that at last he could be free, as only property makes free, and that Abel had been a loser in a free competition. 

“The discipline was handed down through Lamech and finally became the pattern of the world's economy (Moses 5:55-56).... Cain slew "his brother Abel for the sake of getting gain" (Moses 5:50)— not in a fit of pique but by careful business planning, "by the conspiracy" (D&C 84:16). The great secret he learned from Satan was the art of converting life into property—all life, even eternal life! The exchange of eternal life for worldly success is in fact the essence of the classic Pact with the Devil.... 

“There is no question of having some of both—"You cannot serve two masters" (see Matthew 6:24), the one being Mammon; if you try to have it both ways by putting off the final settlement, says Amulek, "the Spirit of the Lord hath withdrawn from you, and has no place in you, and the devil hath all power over you" (Alma 34:35). One may see Mahan at work all around, from the Mafia, whose adherence to the principle needs no argument, down to the drug pusher, the arms dealer, the manufacturer and seller of defective products, or those who poison the air and water as a shortcut to gain and thus shorten and sicken the lives of all their fellow creatures.” 

– Hugh Nibley, from his book Approaching Zion

Friday, January 19, 2024

The Secret History of Utah - it's scandals, past and present

IN PROGRESS...check back for more later...



Mormon Stories I: Teal Swan w/ Elizabeth Russell & Recluse 

Mormon Stories II: The Big Picture 

via The Farm Podcast Mach II 

Apple links:

Mormon Stories I: Teal Swan w/ Elizabeth Russell & Recluse

Mormon Stories II: The Big Picture

Spotify links:

Part 1:

Part 2 

Utah State University interview with Teal's parents about her childhood in 1999

The infamous BBC article

Teal Swan: The woman encouraging her followers to visualise death

5 hour interview with former housemate, Cameron, in 2014

Written transcript of the interview:

The Complete Interview of Teal Swan's Alleged Childhood Abuser, "Doc"

The story of Teal's first client, Leslie, who took her own life

Teal's first victim
Growing up with Teal Swan - Diana Hansen Ribera - Mormon Stories Ep. 1607 (3 1/2 hrs.)

Teal's former live-in boyfriend
Ep. 1328-1331: Leaving Mormonism to join Teal Swan's Cult – Jared Dobson (4 hrs.)

Photos of documents that contradict many of Swan's claims of being a record holding skier, international runway model, etc.

Professional hypnotist's video analysis of Teal Swan hypnotizing people without their knowledge

Dr. Barbara Snow in the 1992 documentary “Promise Not to Tell”
unlisted video on YouTube (52 min.)

‘Let yourself be quirky’: Oprah Winfrey’s Life Coach (Martha Beck) on How to be Much Happier 
The Guardian, April 21, 2021 
Hugh Nibley's 1971 essay, Promised Lands is re-printed here (contains the quote about the Peabody corporation and being shown the Hopi Stone)

Part 1 of the above article (which contains Promised Lands) gives more context and info about the Mormons, the Hopi and the Peabody Corporation and is a good follow-up / introduction to the link above:

see also:

Hugh Nibley and the Sacred Hopi Stone Tablets

Nibley's great-grandfather was Alexander Neibauer the first Jew to join 
the Restoration movement / Latter-day Saint movement in 1838

Why Hugh Nibley was a Political Target: his lifelong exposure of the conspiracy against humanity

Mormon Stories II: The Big Picture

Joseph Smith's Anti-slavery, pro-Indian, Presidential platform (also advocates for prison reform and abolishment of prisons, except in some circumstances)

How infiltrators hijacked the Latter-day Saint movement while Joseph Smith was still alive:

Dr. John C. Bennett Lays the Foundation for Polygamy at Nauvoo 
(14 min.)

Joseph Smith Exposes the Horrors of Bennett's and Higbee's Debauchery (28 min.)

Who Killed Joseph Smith? feature film documentary (1 hr. 37 min.)

Apostolic Coup-D- Etat, Pt. 1 (55 min.)

A lawyer analyzes the process by which Apostles led by Brigham Young became the ruling body in the LDS Church after the murder of Joseph Smith

Apostolic Coup-D- Etat, Pt. 2 (1 hr. 18 min.)

Brigham - Father of Mormon Polygamy (15 min.)

Joseph Smith was NOT a Polygamist: Top 5 Reasons (9 min.)

Of Demigods and Dark Knights by Jeremy Hoop, paper
presented at the Joseph Smith Restoration Conference, June 9, 2019

Best medium-length overview (and overall overview) of the subject:
Evidence that Joseph Smith Jr. was NOT a polygamist. He was faithful to his wife, Emma Smith, and in the final year of his life fought polygamy vigorously with excommunication, preaching and publication. All the evidence that Joseph was a polygamist was invented after his murder (51 min.)

written transcript (18 pages)

First LDS Polygamist: Joseph or Brigham? - by former LDS church history dept. employee, Rob Fotheringham (1 hr. 29 min.)

The *Godfathers* of Mormon Polygamy (2 hrs.)

Origins of LDS Polygamy? Samuel Smith & Orson Hyde's Missionary Journals Among the Cochranites (45 min.)


Joseph Smith Revealed: A Faithful Telling, Exploring an Alternate Polygamy Narrative (2022)

From the cover:
Joseph Smith was a great Christian thinker, a religious revolutionary, and a controversial figure. Of all the things attributed to him, polygamy is one of the most controversial. It is one of the most discussed issues in Mormon history and continues to be the center of on-going controversy and debate. The LDS Church claims that their past practice of plural marriage originated with Joseph. Other branches of early Mormonism, most notably the RLDS, claim that Joseph never taught or practiced anything that even closely resembled polygamy. Evidence suggests that Joseph was doing something. Yet, he consistently denied that he practiced plural marriage and spoke out against it, both publicly and privately. As you explore this alternate polygamy narrative, you may be surprised by what you find. You may even discover truth.

Best book on the subject (all three volumes now free online):

Joseph Smith Fought Polygamy

How Brigham Young and his closest associates re-wrote LDS church history:

Brigham Young Changed Joseph Smith's Journal (5 min.)

Who Changed Joseph Smith's Journal? and Why? (YouTube Short)

Changing LDS Church History (1 hr.)

Murder Among the Mormons | Official Trailer | Netflix

If Mark Hoffman could fool the world's experts and the latest scientific technology, how much better could a nineteenth century forger?

In addition to outright admitting to re-writing the history of the early Latter-day Saint / Restoration movement in his journal (see the 5 min. video above for the short version), this is a quote from Brigham Young in which he says the devil could help someone forge anyone's handwriting perfectly (and he actually mentions forging Joseph's by name) and most people would never be able to discern by what power it was done.

The quote:
“There are many Elders in this house who, if I had the power to Mesmerize that vase and make it dance on that table, would say that it was done by the power of God; and I expect that some of them would begin to shout, and that some of the sisters would shout, ‘Glory be to God, hallelujah.’ Who could tell whether it was done by the power of God or the power of the devil? No person, unless he had the revelations of Jesus Christ within him.
I suppose you are ready to ask brother Brigham if he thinks the power of the devil could make the vase dance. Yes, and could take it up and carry it outdoors, just as easy as to turn up a table and move it here and there, or to cause a rap, rap, rap, or to bake and pass around pancakes, or to get hold of a person’s hand, and make him write in every style you can think of, imitating George Washington’s, Benjamin Franklin’s, Joseph Smith’s, and others’ autographs. Can you tell whether that is by the power of God or by the power of the devil? No, unless you have the revelations of Jesus Christ.” 
Brigham Young, May 6, 1855, Journal of Discourses, vol. 3 (London, 1856), p. 157.

Mark Hoffman is the literal fruit / logical outcome of Brigham Young and his cohorts.

Brigham Young not only altered history he removed existing scriptures and replaced them with new, fabricated scriptural revelations:

Joseph Smith was not the author of D&C 132 - by a former LDS church history dept. employee, Rob Fotheringham (55 min.)

Brigham's Secret Chamber and the Books he Used to Justify the Doctrine of Spiritual Wifery (25 min.)

Into the Minds of "The Secret Chamber" (17 min.)

How The Secret Chamber Doctored and Twisted Church History (23 min.)

How The Peace Maker Became D&C 132 (14 min.)

How spurious Freemasons infiltrated and took over Joseph Smith's spiritual movement:

Another important investigation  is Ronald Meldon Karren's book, The Exoneration of Emma, Joseph & Hyrum: Part One (2018)

In chapter 6, Karren states: 
"not only were the church's and Joseph's records manipulated and changed, the records and history of the Masonic lodge (and Masonic temple) were created, massaged, and partially destroyed by a combination of men that began with Heber C. Kimball and William Clayton in 1841 [Joseph Smith was killed in 1844] and began a course of history to David O. McKay in 1954. This was done in an attempt to facilitate the hijacking of the Masonic Temple doctrines and endowment. This aspect of fabricated history and it's coverup has continued to play out in the present day."
The 780 page hardback is already out of print but the Kindle version is still available for $9.99 on Amazon

The Preface and Introduction are also available for preview on Amazon

There is also a free 10 page synopsis of the book available for free online:

Another important book (but from a very different perspective than the one above, because it is written by Masons and ceremonial magicians with a pro-Brighamite perspective) is 
Method Infinite: Freemasonry and the Mormon Restoration
By Cheryl L. Bruno, Joe Steve Swick III, Nicholas S. Literski

(I haven't had a chance to read the whole book yet, but I have been a member of private, online discussion groups which include all of the authors since 1994. This book is important because it documents the fact that during his lifetime Joseph Smith believed that Freemasonry was in a state of apostasy. Page 120 states:
"Smith's teaching and actions suggest a belief that just as there was a spurious and Satanic Masonry that was subverted to evil ends, there was also a true and Celestial masonry..."
(see also page 118, 151, 249, 250, 251, and 442)

It is also important to note that one of the authors, Nick Literski, is a member of the OTO in Portland, Oregon (which Joseph Smith would have considered "spurious masonry.")

More short videos from an entirely different source than the ones above:

The Invisible Society - make sure to watch this before watching the next one (24 min.)

Brigham Young's Temple Abominations & Joseph's Sealings 
(19 min.)

The Book of Mormon was sometimes known in the 19th century as "the Anti-Masonic Bible"

Some people, such as Martin Harris (a key figure in the early history of the Book of Mormon), referred to it this way. Harris' involvement in the book was as one of the Three Witnesses who testified that they had seen the golden plates from which Joseph Smith said the Book of Mormon had been translated as well as financially guaranteeing the first printing of the Book of Mormon.

After the "Morgan Affair," (which began on September 11, 1826) anti-Masonic sentiments became common in America. Masonry began to be viewed with suspicion by some due to its secrecy and perceived influence in politics and society. This led to the formation of America's first "third" political party, known as the Anti-Masonic party, in February of 1828. 

Martin Harris and others connected the Book of Mormon with anti-Masonry for several reasons:

Among other things, The Book of Mormon details the origin and purpose of secret societies. It also answers questions that people have had about things, such as why women are usually not allowed direct or full participation in the more commonly known esoteric societies such as Freemasonry. 

Some readers have identified anti-Masonic rhetoric within the Book of Mormon. For instance, in 2 Nephi 26:22, Satan is described as leading sinners “by the neck with a flaxen cord.” This imagery has been linked to Masonic initiation rituals, which involve a thick noose called a cable-tow or tow-rope.

The Book of Mormon contains passages warning against what it terms "secret combinations" that lead to the downfall of civilizations. Moroni’s admonitions to repent and avoid such "combinations" (conspiracies) dovetail with the prevailing anti-Masonic sentiments of the time. These warnings were directed at Jacksonian America and the generations to follow, urging them to avoid secret societies seeking political power and economic gain.

*Cheryl Bruno asserts that the Book of Mormon is not "anti-masonic" but anti "spurious" masonry.

This book analyzes the conspiracy theology of the Book of Mormon is in a book available free online titled:

There Are Save Two Churches Only
Be Ye Not Deceived: God Creates, Satan Imitates
Vol. 1 

"A compendium to assist followers of Christ in overcoming [the] End Times through understanding the deepest secrets of the kingdom of the devil"

(You can also order a physical copy on Amazon or

Markham based his books on the works of Bill Cooper, radio host, lecturer, and author of Behold A Pale Horse, giving them an eternal perspective–as part and parcel of the struggle between good and bad… between Christ and the Devil. Though based on Cooper’s work, Markham adds a plethora of new research to support Cooper’s theories, and lots of supporting evidence that has become available since Cooper’s unfortunate passing.

Markham demonstrates how Bill Cooper's work dovetails with the conspiracy theology of the Book of Mormon (and other texts that came forth out of the Restoration movement) which expose the origins and purposes of conspiring men since ancient times.

Just reading chapter 1 (The Origin of Conspiracy) is sufficient to gain an understanding of what the Book of Mormon and the Book of Moses reveal about the origin and history of secret societies and conspiring men, known in the Book of Mormon as "secret combinations."

Please read my comments which gives important context to the book here (and this link also contains links to the free, online book): 

Thousands of changes have been made to the Book of Mormon since it's first printing. I would avoid the Utah-based LDS version. There are currently three non-denominational versions available which have excavated the earliest text:

  The Book of Mormon: The Earliest Text, edited by Royal Skousen, Yale University Press, 2009

(full text, read only)

buy a physical copy 

The Book of Mormon: Restored Covenant Edition, 1999 (read or search free online)

or log in and borrow (hourly) from the Internet Archive

The 2023 version has made even more corrections than the 1999 version.  Buy a softcover copy here:

The Stick of Joseph in the Hand of Ephraim (Messianic, Hebrew roots version)
(download free eBook version, or read free online, or buy hardcover or softcover)

Origins of violence in the Utah Territory (prior to statehood):

Brigham's Revenge (7 min.)

Brigham Young's Oath of Vengeance, Blood Atonement Doctrine, and views on women

Brigham's Destroying Angels (16 min.)

How did how the infamous "Blood Atonement Doctrine" inspire and lead to the many murders of the people by Brigham's "destroying angels,"  "avenging angels,"  "strikers," or members of his "(Brigham's posse)" as they were known at the time? What was Bill Hickman's testimony about his role in Brigham Young's posse? How many of Brigham Young's doctrines that Brigham introduced to the [LDS] church have now been discarded and repudiated?

"and as for Mormonism, there is no such thing in this country; it is all Brighamism, and should he called so." William Adams Hickman
My 2nd great uncle, William Adams Hickman, was one of Utah's earliest whistleblowers. Before, during and after writing this book he sincerely repented of his idolatry of Brigham Young and committing crimes on Young's behalf. Hickman acknowledges that this book was the first step in repentance and making restitution to God. I am so proud of him for risking his life to do this and for his sincere remorse and empathy for the victims and for his sincerity in caring where he stood with God (which is the biggest difference between him and Brigham Young. Young was clearly on the Cluster B personality disorder spectrum where you find narcissism and anti-social personality traits (commonly known as sociopathy and psychopathy, depending on the severity) the most significant hallmark of these disorders being a lack of empathy.
You can read his expose free online or order a hard copy (free online)

Google (free online)

Order a hard copy:

Escaping Brigham's Posse (20 min.)

The untold story of those who dare try and escape from the clutches of Brigham Young and his "destroying angels" or "posse" is told.

109: Escaping Utah - Part 1 with Cheryl and Dan Clute, March 10, 2024 (1 hr. 45 min.)

Deep dive with Midwestern "Josephites" from the Restoration Branches (groups that left the RLDS church as it transformed into the nearly unrecognizable Community of Christ between 1984 - 2000. These are the literal and spiritual descendants of the church that started by Joseph Smith Jr.'s son, Joseph the III and many of those that had the discernment to not go west with Brigham Young.
The Clutes read harrowing historical accounts of escaping from Utah under Brigham Young's reign of terror, these accounts include the testimonies of Joseph Smith's own sons who travelled to Utah to confront Brigham Young.

Best commentary on the Mountain Meadows Massacre can be found in Hartt Wixom's 1996 biography

2008 version available in Kindle format:

Origins of Utah's fundamentalist sects

I mentioned in the podcast interview that unlike the first wave of Utah-based "Mormon" fundamentalism that the Kingston group (also known as The Order) had a more supernatural origin story. I had forgotten (since it has been more than a couple of decades since I studied the subject in depth) that the original founder of the first wave of fundamentalism in Utah had also invented a supernatural origin story as well.

During the 1920s, a dissenter named Lorin C. Woolley claimed a separate line of priesthood authority from the Utah-based LDS Church's hierarchy, which spurred the development of Mormon fundamentalism. Most of the Mormon polygamous groups can trace their roots to Woolley's claims and actions.

You can learn more about the history of the Kingston group (founded in 1935) from an ex-member, Amanda Rae, who was featured on the cable TV show, Escaping Polygamy.

Ogden's Zion Society

Best overview from a local Ogden podcast, Saturday Morning Serial

The Zion Society Cult

Interview with the detective who broke the case, Mike King, on a local Ogden podcast (this one is hot off the press - January 29, 2024)

Unmask Alice by Rick Emerson (2022)

The real story behind Jay's Journal is much more interesting than the fake story concocted by Beatrice Sparks

One thing I forgot to mention in the show is that Beatrice Sparks is from Logan Utah (the same city where Teal Swan went to school - the Edith Bowen school on the Utah State University campus - and was raised just 5 miles outside of the city limits in Hyde Park). 

It is interesting to note that the first place that the first place that Beatrice Sparks moved to after leaving her mother's house when she grew up was San Francisco in 1937 .

Rick Emerson didn't mention much about how she survived there or how she got from there to Southern California before marrying her husband in SoCal and later moving with him to Provo, Utah. I'm guessing he must not have been able to find much. Her San Francisco era would be an important research lead for anyone wanting to move this research forward.

It appears to me that Sparks developed a Cluster B personality disorder after her father cheated on her mother and left when Sparks was young - a major scandal for a place like Utah back in the day. I hypothesize that it was most likely Borderline personality disorder which is usually co-morbid with narcissism. It's another interesting synchronicity with Teal.

Beatrice Sparks doing the "M" hand sign, also known as the "El Greco" sign:

click to enlarge photo

Prince Harry, New York Post, March 10, 2024

This is a great video compilation of the "M" hand sign, also known as the El Greco hand sign in very old paintings as well as contemporary photographs of the elite (7 min.)

There are some more examples in this forum:

In this article, plastic surgeons have determined that this gesture is used intentionally in artwork as a symbol and is not a genetic deformity as some have theorized. They also determined that this gesture can usually only be performed intentionally and not accidentally due to the difficulty in maintaining the finger positions:

"Secret Hand Gestures in Paintings." Acta Biomed. Lazzeri D, Nicoli and F, Zhang Y. 
December 23, 2019 ;90(4):526-532. 

Two more things that make me wonder about Sparks' possible involvement in the occult:

Unmask Alice recounts the extensive and unusual "blood red" color scheme in Sparks' house, as well as the fact that Sparks' home in Provo had a lot of furniture that had come from the LDS Salt Lake Temple (which is also very unusual). When the book mentioned that Sparks had a bookcase once owned by Brigham Young that she enjoyed showing off by placing all of the books she "authored" on it (a strange admission considering that she was supposedly only the editor) with the covers turned outwards for all to see, I immediately thought of something mentioned in the 2012 - 2014 victim statements by David Lee Hamblin's daughters about the beliefs and practices of the LDS Church of Satan:

Citing the victim statements in a January 2024 interview, the host of the show and the private investigator hired to investigate the David Lee Hamblin court cases mentioned the following,
Host: "The way that these organizations work is they're generational"

Goel: "That's what the girls allege is that it's a multi-generational group."

Host: "It is through the bloodline and so basically the grandparents abuse the children, who then abuse their children, who abuse their children and they even save desks and furniture and and things from the grandparents and they'll do certain acts on that because it brings in the spirits..." 

Goel: "the objects have spiritual power from the acts that
have been committed" 

Host: "previously..." 

(you can find the link to the show down below in the David Lee Hamblin section)

It is interesting how much David Lee Hamblin looks like his ancestor, John Doyle Lee, of Mountain Meadows infamy:

David Lee Hamblin profile and case summary on Floodlit

David Lee Hamblin Victim Statements in PDF

David Lee Hamblin video files from GRAMA request (bodycam footage)

Shadows of Power: How Utah’s Elite Maintain Power While Hiding In Plain Sight (David Lee Hamblin) - interview with Goel of Investigations in Ritual Abuse

Part 2: Shadows of Power: How Utah’s Elite Maintain Power While Hiding In Plain Sight (David Leavitt) - interview with Goel of Investigations in Ritual Abuse

Shadows of Power (The Glenn Pace memo)

Case Reports of the Mormon Alliance, Chapter 6: Ritual Abuse, Vol. 1, 1995 (contains the full Pace memo)

Polygamy and SRA - Disturbing Information from Go El
3 hr. interview with the private investigator hired to investigate the David Lee Hamblin court case, Go El @ Investigations in Ritual Abuse, discusses the relationship between polygamy and SRA (age restricted / must sign in, link to uncut version of the interview in description box):

Go El's index and commentary on the documents in this case:

St. Louis Post Dispatch
May 18, 1967, p. 67

Early experiment in social credit?
Here we see the words "demonstration and reward," echoing the words of David Leavitt, "repetition and reward," speaking on how to train children. According to the victim statements, Leavitt was sent by the LDS CoS to Hamblin for training in this. You can see Leavitt saying this in a video clip in the second We are the People episode, above. Hamblin's father also specialized in training children as a professor of sociology.

Robert L. Hamblin (David Lee Hamblin's father), 

a sociologist, he contributed significantly to the field of behavioral theory in sociology

He published a book, Behavioral Theory in Sociology: Essays in Honour of George C.Homans, edited by Robert L. Hamblin and John H. Kunkel (1976)

He conducted research on behavior modification of children within the field of sociology. 

He was also involved with an early experiment in social credit
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Louis, Missouri • 
Thu, May 18, 1967
Page 67

Go El of Investigations in Ritual Abuse has written a good article about him on Substack (it's not easy finding any information about him and I cannot find a photo). 

According to Go El his career was marred by scandal.

click to enlarge

What do many of the people discussed in this interview have in common?

As I mentioned in the interview, a number of these people (such as Barbara Snow, Martha Beck, and David Lee Hamblin's father, Robert L. Hamblin, have a background in the field of sociology (and I speculated that they may be intentionally engaging in social engineering).

Another person that David Lee Hamblin has in common with people like Tim Ballard, Jodi Hildebrandt, Chad and Lori Daybell, recently arrested Utah therapist, Maurice Harker is a therapist and licensed social worker named Thom Harrison who is the subject of a book called, Visions of Glory (and consequently accused of literary fraud by some, reminiscent of Beatrice Sparks). Lori Vallow Daybell was reading the book when she was served with papers by police to show proof of life of her children.

The Mormon Stories podcast did an episode showing Thom Harrison at the center of a Utah LDS neo-fundamentalist crowd but left out the fact that David Lee Hamblin also associated with Thom Harrison.
Another person who ties Hamblin with Ballard and Thom Harrison is Gordon Bowen who is named in the victim statements. 

Go El's video on Bowen (29 min.)

One last thing I think many of these people might have in common is the possibility of some of them being what are referred to in the Victim Statements in the Hamblin case as, "Gatekeepers."

Go El writes:

According to Victim Statement #2, LDS Church of Satan members would frequently tell them of “Gate Keepers” the Church had operating on its behalf throughout the world and the state of Utah. These individuals were said to be in “high and low places” and “could easily intercept, intervene, and control threats to the Church.” Such individuals were “…professors, attorneys, judges, doctors, psychologists, and more…”.

Even a cursory examination of the alleged membership of the LDS Church of Satan reveals a staggering number of highly educated individuals in positions of influence and power. The victims’ statements reference at least three psychologists, including David Lee Hamblin, Clyde Sullivan, and Hugh Allred.1 Allred was the psychologist who treated the Hamblin daughters during the divorce between David and Rosie Hamblin. Chelom Leavitt, David Leavitt’s wife, is also a therapist and an employee of BYU.

Clyde Sullivan’s psychological specialisation was juvenile delinquency and criminal rehabilitation. He served as the Executive Director of the Children’s Psychiatric Center of New Jersey. As such, Sullivan would have had access to thousands of children over the course of his career, children whose complaints would have likely been dismissed if he abused them due to their delinquency and psychiatric issues. Many delinquent children are the products of childhood abuse, and Sullivan would have been acutely aware of this due to his experience as a psychologist. He would have known how to manipulate, control, and discredit children in his care.

Given the reality that David Lee Hamblin’s therapeutic practice was allegedly entered around abusing his patients, the relationship between Hamblin and Sullivan warrants deep scrutiny. Hamblin was mentored by certain individuals at BYU, including Clyde Sullivan. The Hamblin children all accuse Sullivan his wife Nola de Jong of participating in their sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Sullivan’s methodologies likely filtered through to David Lee Hamblin.

Hugh Allred was a therapist in Provo who spoke on the topic of Satanic Ritual Abuse at BYU Education week in September 1992. He was also the psychologist who treated the Hamblin girls during their parents’ divorce trial. The girls allege that Allred was a member of the Church of Satan who steered his testimony and their testimony in the direction desired by the Church.

David Lee Hamblin attempted to convince his patients that he had hypnotised them, and that they had revealed childhood satanic ritual abuse to him under hypnosis. One of those patients, Brett Bluth, confronted Hamblin and argued that he had never been under hypnosis at all. Bluth accused Hamblin of trying to incept memories of SRA into his mind, and he further alleged that Hamblin had sexually abused him.

Please subscribe to IRA on Substack

A note and a disclaimer from Go El, We are the People (and myself) about "Bloodlines"

In part 2, We are the People asked Go El:
"Last time we talked about bloodlines and how that works and I asked if you would explain that a little bit more maybe before we wrap up. Would you like to share with our viewers a little about Bloodlines and how that works with the family structure?"

Go El:

"So with the Bloodlines the Hamblin girls write about the belief of the Church of Satan that certain Bloodlines have more spiritual power than others. The Hamblin girls were told that they were part of a Royal bloodline within the Church of Satan. Conversely, like Shalom Eastwood, her family, the Eastwoods, were not part of a high bloodline but she married into the Leavitts who were a high bloodline, but not as high as the Hamblins. That was what the girls were told by their parents and grandparents and so the way that it works is they're looking to combine Bloodlines in order to to increase spiritual power within the CS and also because it consolidates those families through marriage it makes it much more likely that they'll be able to continue operating as a group without exposure so if you only marry within the group as opposed to bringing an outsider in that you have to kind of initiated into the group."
We are the People added in the description box:
"I do not believe bloodlines alone are enough evidence to throw someone’s good name in the mud. I’m sure blood lines have both good and bad individuals and families, and as is often the case with duality, the bloodlines with the best would also produce the worst...We ARE the People does not and will not go along with claims that incriminate people based on blood lines alone."


TO BE CONTINUED - check back later for more...